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Hey ladies, let's talk about distraction!

Yes, distraction! It is something we all have in common, believers and unbelievers alike.

But as Christians, it is important we rule out all distractions and keep our eyes on the cross.

Before we go further let's define distraction.

What is Distraction?

Distraction is the Pulling away or the diverting of attention from an object or person.

There are multiple definitions for distraction but our all-time favorite definition is; "The extreme agitation of the mind".

You see, the word "distraction" itself has come a long way, like most words, it was derived

from the Latin word "dis+trahere" which means to "drag apart" or "pull apart".

Some sources have it that in ancient France, "distraction" was a type of torture.

And this was the worst kind of torture, set aside for the worst offenders in the medieval French

era. They literally get "distracted" or "Pulled Apart" by horses. Now that we know a little about

the origin of distraction we ought to see it differently, which brings us to the talk of the day.

We live in a world that is constantly pulling us away from the plan and purpose God has for our lives. Taking up our energy by diverting our attention to things that are out of our hands and beyond our control, causing us to wrestle within ourselves and completely forget about the plans or tasks God has given to us.

I know you are probably thinking to yourself "How do I Ideal with distraction?" Well, not to worry we have a few tips that could help you;

  • Diagnose why you're distracted.

  • Remember to pray to God about the distraction.

  • Re-engage by turning off the distraction (gadgets, work, etc.)

  • Find practical tools to help you focus.

Here are few examples of practical ways that can help you focus:

  • Scheduling your day or week.

  • Having an accountability partner.

  • Have a to-do list and review after the end of every day.

We hope these tips are helpful to deal with your distraction(s), carry them with you and stay safe.



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