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International Women's Day Special: Interview EstherA

What is your name?


What do you do for a living?

Onboarding Manager

Do you do other things outside your work? Side hustle? Community commitment? Please list them.

Career & Personal Development Coach

Describe a typical day in your life

Currently on maternity leave and a typical day will start with me taking care of the little one and getting her ready for the day. After which, I will work on my learning goals for the day( I have something for each day and sometimes the week). I will then attend to some clients and check in on my Career Accelerator Program subscribers.

Are you married?


Do you have kids? If yes, how many?


How do you manage your day-to-day activities considering all your commitments?

By being organized and intentionally planning every part of the day, including reminding myself to drink water.

How did you get to the position of work you are in? Please provide practical steps you took to get to where you are now.

Learning and doing more than my job description. Something about continuous learning fuels your need to grow.

Were there any challenges or blockers on your way to becoming who you are now? If yes, what are those challenges?

Family commitment and being a woman

How did you overcome these challenges/blockers if any? Please share the practical steps you took.

Prioritization: I prioritize the what, when, where, and how according to the season I am in.

Who is your role model and why?

Got a few of them. Oprah Winfrey: Because she channelled her pain into the success she is today. She didn't go through hell in vain.

Do you have a mentor or a coach? If yes, which one? if not, why not?

Mentor and a Coach

If you are married with/without children, how do you balance/align your home commitments with your career/side hustle workload?

By being intentional By Planning By living according to the season I am in based on those subject areas. e.g If the children need more attention that's what I will be focussing on.

What one piece of advice would you give to other women about them stepping into their power and purpose unapologetically?

Be intentional, committed, and disciplined, and don't be too hard on yourself. Your purpose is also and can also be present in the littlest things possible. Always remember there are life seasons. Some will be accommodating and some won't, so be adaptable but don't forget the main goal

Thank you so much for your time, EstherA. We celebrate you today and always.

Happy International Women's Day! #iwd2023 #iwd

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