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International Women's Day Special: Interview with Veronica

What is your name?


What do you do for a living?

Currently an Independent Privacy Consultant & Entrepreneur

Do you do other things outside your work? Side hustle? Community commitment? Please list them.

Career Coaching Founder of a tech skills development institute Founder of a community interest company, supporting POC who are mid-career changers.

Describe a typical day in your life

Quiet time, Get kids out the door to school, Morning walk/reflections, and worship, Breakfast To my home office to start work, meetings with my team, etc Prepare dinner Relax with kids Back to my home office for scheduled meetings or work on my business

Are you married?


Do you have kids? If yes, how many?


How do you manage your day-to-day activities considering all your commitments?

Journaling and planning, to help keep on top of things.

How did you get to the position of work you are in? Please provide practical steps you took to get to where you are now.

Professional certifications (belief in life-long learning and development) Networking and proving myself at work Putting myself forward where opportunities opened up Continuous skills development, that made be impossible to be ignored and led to several promotions and pay increases.

Were there any challenges or blockers on your way to becoming who you are now? If yes, what are those challenges?

Yes, had to stay home after my master's degree and settled for low-paying jobs, which were not fulfilling. Had to work hard to break some ceilings within the tech space being a woman of color among predominantly white males, that made up the senior management in my most recent role. Pushed through and became the only black female in senior management within the tech unit of a global organization.

How did you overcome these challenges/blockers if any? Please share the practical steps you took.

Resilience and continuously developing relevant skills and confidence to compete. Not keeping quiet, where I had required expertise which set me apart

Who is your role model and why?

Ophrah Winfrey, and Ibukun Awosika, Women who started from the ground and pushed through, against all odds.

Do you have a mentor or a coach? If yes, which one? if not, why not?

Yes- Pam Obasa (completed program, but still in touch)

If you are married with/without children, how do you balance/align your home commitments with your career/side hustle workload?

Being intentional and realistic, knowing how to prioritize to ensure a proper balance across all areas. Still a work in progress and figuring it out still.

What one piece of advice would you give to other women about them stepping into their power and purpose unapologetically?

Feel the fear, and jump. Keep developing yourself and your skills, as it sure gives you an edge. Take time to identify your strength and play to your strength.

Thank you so much for your time, Veronica. We celebrate you today and always.

Happy International Women's Day! #iwd2023 #iwd

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