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Leading by Example


If you ever played follow the leader ,you’ve practiced leading by example even if you didn’t know it. Being a successful leader is inspiring and motivating your team and developing your leadership skills. Learning to actively lead by example can help you model effective ways for your team to make the most impact. Everything you do as a leader could potentially be an example for your team, which brings us to the real question, what is leading by example?


In today's article, we will cover the benefits of leading by example, but first,


What is leading by example?

Leading by example is a leadership style where you model the behaviour you want to see in your team members. When you lead by example, you don’t just push team members towards excellence, rather, you actively demonstrate that excellence. Leading by example is the difference between saying, “You can do this” and “We can do this together.” Though the support and encouragement in the former is great, the latter builds connection, camaraderie, and trust.


People who lead by example are actively demonstrating that they value their team’s work by carrying some of the weight themselves. This leadership style fosters high levels of engagement and buy-in, because leaders actively demonstrate that they’re invested in their team’s initiatives. 


The benefits of leading by example:


Leading by example can increase trust and team engagement. The people you manage pay a lot of attention to what you say and what you do. If what you’re doing and saying are inconsistent, that inconsistency can lead to frustration and lack of trust. But if you can model the right example to your team, they’ll be inspired to go along, too.


In particular, leading by example can:


  • Inspire the people around you

  • Build trust between you and your team

  • Create an inclusive, collaborative work environment 

  • Build a culture of accountability

  • Increase productivity through teamwork

  • Set the standards of success on your team

  • Increase team loyalty, engagement, and retention

  • Contribute to great team building


These are all but a few benefits to help you with this leadership style, but just like all leadership skills, learning to lead by example takes time and practice. It’s worth the effort, and building this skill can help you gain higher levels of engagement and trust on your team. Whether you’re developing your management style, managing a group of direct reports, or leading a team without being a manager, leading by example shows team members that you value them.


With ❤️,

Made for More.

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